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Formular de înregistrare Olympic Individual

Detalii înregistrare

First name
Last name
Date of birth
Tshirt size
Sports club
City / County
How many triathlon races have you finished until now?
Do you want to be the first to find out about our news?
Medical information (blood type, alergies, important medical conditions)
Declaratie pe proprie raspundere

----------------- ENGLISH VERSION BELOW ------------------------------


- ca am luat la cunostinta prevederile regulamentului de participare la competitia Transfier si ma oblig sa le respect;
- ca sunt apt din punct de vedere fizic (medical) pentru efort fizic prelungit in conditiile specifice competitiilor de triatlon;
- ca sunt informat în legătură cu riscurile ce apar in practicarea triatlonului în condiţiile deosebite pe care le presupune un asemenea eveniment: inot in lac de acumulare, sosea montana pentru probele de ciclism si alergare;
- sunt de acord cu aceste condiţii deosebite şi, în cazul implicării mele într-un incident/accident de orice natura survenit în timpul concursului, îmi voi asuma întreaga răspundere pentru incidentul/accidentul respectiv şi nu voi pretinde organizatorului niciun fel de daune pentru acesta;
- sunt perfect conştient că participarea mea la o competiţie de acest nivel presupune experienta, abilităţi tehnice si sportive, motiv pentru care voi fi receptiv la eventualele sfaturi ale organizatorilor, pe întreaga durata a evenimentului şi ma voi supune deciziilor lor de interes general;
- ca NU ma aflu sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice si/sau a stupefiantelor;
- ca am completat corect si complet formularul de inscriere si am achitat contributia de participare pentru proba la care m-am inscris;
- ca nu voi pierde, deteriora sau elimina chip-ului de concurs in caz contrar acceptand faptul ca nu voi putea aparea in clasament si vor acoperi costul lui daca este cazul;
- ca am luat la cunostinta recomandarile organizatorilor cu privire la imbracamintea si incaltamintea de utilizat pe parcursul competitiei si ca voi urma aceste recomandari;
- ca respect intocmai indicatiile arbitrilor de traseu, arbitrii fiind persoanele abilitate sa intrerupa competitia in cazul in care este incalcat Regulamentul Competitiei;
- ca sunt de accord ca arbitrul de traseu poate descalifica automat participantul la concurs in cazul in care acesta incalca Regulamentul Competitiei (ex. abatere de la traseu si omisiunea revenirii la acesta prin locul cel mai apropiat prin care a iesit accidental sau voit, comportament nepoliticos la adresa Organizatorilor si/sau a participantilor la competitie, nepastrarea distantei fata de coechipieri etc);
- ca nu voi arunca in perimetrul de desfasurare a Competitiei nici un tip de deseu fiindu-mi adus la cunostinta ca in cazul nerespectarii acestei conditii sunt pasibil de descalificare din Competitie fara drept de apel (si fara returnarea contravalorii contributiei de participare);
- ca ma voi manifesta intr-un mod decent si cu sportivitate pe toata perioada de desfasurare a Competitiei fara a-i stanjeni pe ceilalti participanti si/sau Organizatori;
- ca nu voi apela la nici o alta forma/mijloc de deplasare in perimetrul de desfasurare a Competitiei (auto, velo, moto, ATV etc);
- ca detin asigurare medicala pentru incidente soldate in timpul concursului sau imi asum toate cheltuielile cauzate de o posibila accidentare in timpul evenimentului;
- ca nu am nici o pretentie fata de Organizatori in a folosi imaginile foto si video realizate in timpul Competitiei in care sunt surprins cu angajamentul ferm al Organizatorilor ca nu vor folosi aceste imagini in alte scopuri decat Promovarea Competiei, implicit al activitatilor Organizatorilor, Sponsorilor, mass-media scrisa si video, la elaborarea Afiselor, Diplomelor si pentru alte materiale informative dedicate activitatilor de alergare.


----------------- ENGLISH VERSION ------------------------------


- that I have read the provisions of the regulations for participation in the Transfer competition and I undertake to respect them;
- that I am physically (medically) fit for prolonged physical effort in the specific conditions of triathlon competitions;
- that I am informed about the risks that arise in practicing triathlon in the special conditions that such an event involves: swimming in a reservoir, mountain road for cycling and running events;
- I agree with these special conditions and, in the event of my involvement in an incident/accident of any nature occurring during the competition, I will assume full responsibility for the incident/accident in question and will not claim any damages from the organizer for it;
- I am perfectly aware that my participation in a competition of this level requires experience, technical and sporting skills, which is why I will be receptive to any advice from the organizers, throughout the duration of the event and I will submit to their decisions of general interest;
- that I am NOT under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs;
- that I have correctly and completely filled out the registration form and paid the participation fee for the event I have registered for;
- that I will not lose, damage or remove the competition chip, otherwise accepting that I will not be able to appear in the ranking and they will cover its cost if applicable;
- that I have taken note of the organizers' recommendations regarding the clothing and footwear to be used during the competition and that I will follow these recommendations;
- that I strictly respect the instructions of the route referees, the referees being the persons authorized to interrupt the competition in the event that the Competition Regulations are violated;
- that I agree that the route referee may automatically disqualify the participant from the competition if he/she violates the Competition Regulations (e.g. deviation from the route and failure to return to it through the closest place through which he/she left accidentally or intentionally, rude behavior towards the Organizers and/or the competition participants, failure to keep distance from teammates, etc.);
- that I will not throw any type of waste into the Competition area, being informed that in case of failure to comply with this condition I am liable to disqualification from the Competition without the right to appeal (and without the return of the participation fee);
- that I will behave in a decent and sportsmanlike manner throughout the Competition without embarrassing the other participants and/or the Organizers;
- that I will not use any other form/means of travel within the Competition perimeter (car, bicycle, motorcycle, ATV, etc.);
- that I have medical insurance for incidents resulting during the competition or assume all expenses caused by a possible accident during the event;
- that I have no claim against the Organizers to use the photo and video images taken during the Competition in which I am surprised with the Organizers' firm commitment that they will not use these images for purposes other than the Promotion of the Competition, implicitly of the activities of the Organizers, Sponsors, written and video media, for the development of Posters, Diplomas and for other informative materials dedicated to running activities.

Citeste termenii pana la final pentru a exprima acordul