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Formular de înregistrare Cros 10k

Detalii înregistrare

First name
Last name
Date of birth
Tshirt size
Contact person in case of emergency
Phone contact in case of emergency
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Declaratie pe proprie raspundere

------------------ ↓↓ ENGLISH VERSION BELOW ↓↓ ------------------


Subsemnatul, declar in nume propriu sau in numele minorului participant ca:

  • ca am luat la cunostinta prevederile regulamentului de participare la cursa la care m-am inscris din cadrul competitiei Semimaraton Timisoara si ma oblig sa le respect;
  • ca sunt apt din punct de vedere fizic (medical) pentru efort fizic prelungit in orice conditii meteo ;
  • ca NU ma aflu sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice si/sau a stupefiantelor;
  • ca am achitat taxa de participare pentru proba la care m-am inscris;
  • ca am completat corect si complet Formularul de Inscriere la Competitie;
  • ca am luat la cunostinta recomandarile organizatorilor cu privire la echipamentul de alergare folosit pe parcursul competitiei si ca il voi utiliza  adecvat;
  • ca respect intocmai indicatiile arbitrilor de traseu, arbitrii fiind persoanele abilitate sa intrerupa competitia in cazul in care este incalcat Regulamentul Competitiei;
  • ca sunt de acord ca arbitrul de traseu poate descalifica automat participantul la concurs in cazul in care acesta incalca Regulamentul Competitiei (ex. se abate de la traseu si nu reintra inapoi prin locul cel mai apropiat prin care a iesit accidental sau voit, pentru comportamentul nepoliticos la adresa Organizatorilor si/sau a participantilor la competitie etc);
  • ca nu voi arunca in perimetrul de desfasurare a Competitiei nici un tip de deseu fiindu-mi adus la cunostinta ca in cazul nerespectarii acestei conditii sunt pasibil cu descalificarea din Competitie fara drept de apel (si fara a mai primi contravaloarea taxei de participare);
  • ca ma voi manifesta intr-un mod decent si cu sportivitate pe toata perioada de desfasurare a Competitiei fara a-i stanjeni pe ceilalti participanti si/sau Organizatorii;
  • ca nu voi apela la nici o alta forma/mijloc de deplasare in perimetrul de desfasurare a Competitiei (auto, velo, moto, ATV etc);
  • ca detin asigurare medicala pentru incidente soldate in timpul unor competitii sportive sau imi asum cheltuielile cauzate implicate de o posibila accidentare pentru care Organizatorii nu sunt raspunzatori;
  • ca nu am nici o pretentie fata de Organizatori in a folosi imaginile foto si video realizate in timpul Competitiei in care sunt surprins cu angajamentul ferm al Organizatorilor ca nu vor folosi aceste imagini in alte scopuri decat Promovarea Competiei, implicit al activitatilor  organizatorilor si celorlalti parteneri, Sponsorilor, mass-media scrisa si video, la elaborarea Afiselor, Diplomelor si pentru alte materiale informative dedicate activitatilor de alergare.

------------------ ↓↓ ENGLISH VERSION ↓↓ ------------------


I, the undersigned, declare in my own name or on behalf of the participating minor that:

  • I have taken note of the provisions of the regulations for participating in the race I have registered for as part of the Timisoara Semimarathon competition and I commit myself to comply with them;
  • I am fit from a physical (medical) point of view for prolonged physical effort in any weather conditions;
  • I am NOT under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or narcotics;
  • I paid the participation fee for the exam I signed up for;
  • I filled out the Competition Registration Form correctly and completely;
  • I have taken note of the recommendations of the organizers regarding the running equipment used during the competition and that I will use it appropriately;
  • I exactly respect the instructions of the route referees, the referees being the persons authorized to interrupt the competition in case the Competition Regulations are violated;
  • I agree that the route referee can automatically disqualify the participant in the contest if he violates the Competition Regulations (e.g. deviates from the route and does not re-enter through the nearest place through which he left accidentally or intentionally, for rude behavior to the address of the Organizers and/or the participants in the competition, etc.);
  • I will not throw any type of waste in the perimeter of the Competition, having been informed that in case of non-compliance with this condition, I am liable to be disqualified from the Competition without the right of appeal (and without receiving the participation fee);
  • I will behave in a decent manner and with sportsmanship throughout the duration of the Competition without embarrassing the other participants and/or the Organizers;
  • I will not use any other form/means of travel in the perimeter of the Competition (car, bicycle, motorcycle, ATV, etc.);
  • I have medical insurance for incidents caused during sports competitions or I assume the expenses caused by a possible injury for which the Organizers are not responsible;
  • I have no claim against the Organizers to use the photo and video images taken during the Competition in which I am surprised by the Organizers' firm commitment that they will not use these images for purposes other than the Promotion of the Competition, implicitly the activities of the organizers and the other partners, Sponsors, written and video media, for the development of Posters, Diplomas and other informative materials dedicated to running activities.
Citeste termenii pana la final pentru a exprima acordul